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Return Procedure

International Shipping and Return Policy

The shipping prices can vary according to the delivery country`s customs policy, package weight and product quantity. You can see the shipping price on the section before the payment. We deliver in 7 work days with DHL Express and PTS depending on your country. (The delivery period may vary regarding the cargo company and the customs schedule.)

You can pay with credit/debit card at

The product can be returned.If you have any kind of dissatisfaction about your product, please contact our customer service center and forward your evaluation. The return and exchange period is 15 days. If the return period is exceeded, the refund cannot be made.The return period of the product that you want to return for any reason and which is also in a resalable condition, is 15 days from the date you receive it. You can contact us to give information in case of any condition that affects you return.  The product you will return must have undamaged package, not used, not damaged as a result of usage error, and must be resalable. You can return the products by filling the form prepared in two languages (English, Turkish )in two samples;  put one in the box and stick the other one on the box, we recommend the English form for the customs process, You have to return with either DHL; otherwise, your package cannot be tracked and may return back to you. 

Return shipping fees and customs fees belong to the customer. Your refund will be made excluding the shipping fee (while ordering) and customs fee

You have to print the return form and send with the product to our return address.

Customer Service Center; +90 212 5500079

E-mail: [email protected] 

Your refund, excluding the shipping and customs fees, is made after your return package has been processed at our system.

Orders may rarely stuck at your country`s customs. In this case, customs officers will contact and inform you. doesn`t accept responsibility for the customs process and fees, the responsibility belongs to the customer.